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Making a digital composite using Adobe Photoshop is hard work, but the results are clearly worth the initial effort to learn the basic compositing tools of this complex software. Follow along as Maggie Taylor introduces you to the basics of creative compositing that she uses throughout her fine-art work. She introduces you to the essential building blocks of compositing with Photoshop: making selections, layers, masks, non-destructive editing, and blend modes. This is a program for those who are at a basic or intermediate level with their Photoshop skills, or those who feel like a little review would be helpful or before embarking on a more advanced workshop. Each program consists of an hour-and-a-half of demos and presentations by Maggie focused on her Adobe Photoshop techniques, with the final 30 minutes set aside for your questions.
After each of Maggie’s 2-hour programs on Wednesday and Saturday mornings, you will be able to download the same files she used and a set of instructions. You may also re-watch the Zoom sessions as you build the image on your own. The goal is for you to be able to fully grasp these Photoshop techniques, that are some of Maggie’s favorites, so that you can use them in your own digital composites.
For those who participated in Maggie’s SFW: Perspectives presentation in October 2020, Getting Started with Compositing is a more narrowly-focused, technique-based program for a smaller audience who want to learn basic Adobe Photoshop skills for the creative compositing of images.
Open to anyone interested in this special program.
Participants with basic or intermediate Photoshop skills will benefit most from this webinar.
View Withdrawal and Transfer Policies for online programs.
Maggie Taylor spent ten years making color still-life photographs before transitioning to digital imaging in 1997. Her label-defying, whimsical, and poetic images have been collected by numerous museums. Her books include Internal Logic, No Ordinary Days, Adobe Photoshop Master Class: Maggie Taylor’s Landscape of Dreams, Solutions Beginning with A, Through The Looking Glass, and Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll.