Image Alchemy: Emulsion Lifts, Suminagashi, and Creative Play

Join Liz Potter for this immersive week together in Santa Fe dedicated to literally stretching and remixing your understanding of the photographic image and its creative potential.
Autumn in Kyoto: Japan’s Most Cultured City

Join Eddie Soloway and Esprit Travel in this nine-night adventure, traveling off the beaten path and becoming immersed in a diversity of gardens, neighborhoods, and artisans, rich with photographic possibilities.
Maine Lighthouses and Autumn Landscapes

Fine-art landscape photographer Rick Berk leads this four-and-a-half-day workshop that explores the dramatic coastline from Portland to Pemaquid, allowing you to create photographs that not only capture the scene before you but communicate the emotion within the scene.
From Photo to Frame: Introduction to Digital Printmaking for Exhibition

Join Stefan Jennings Batista for a week in Santa Fe learning the techniques and best practices required for bringing your digital images to life, taking them from creation to exhibition-quality presentations.
Identity in Nature: Exploring Environmental Self-Portraiture

Led by photographer Nicole Cudzilo, this immersive transformative self-portraiture workshop transcends traditional photographic instruction and inspires students to move beyond conventional portraiture to embrace nature as a collaborator in their creative process.
The Intimate Image

From iPhone to digital infrared, in water or the landscape, and from abandoned haciendas, fine-art photographer Elizabeth Opalenik inspires you to explore all the possibilities with gracious male and female figure and dance models who collaborate in expressing your intuitive create soul.
The Art of Abstract Photography: A Creative Retreat in San Miguel de Allende

Expanded to five days and taking place in the artful city of San Miguel de Allende, learn from leaders in the abstract movement, Renee Lynn, Stephanie Johnson, and Philip Sager plus guest presenters Valda Bailey and Shelley Vandegrift each take a unique approach to visual storytelling, turning everyday moments into impactful images to expand the palette of photographic art.
Santa Fe: People and Places

In this workshop, photojournalist Nadav Soroker invites participants to experience the colorful world of Santa Fe, rich with unique characters and visual possibilities, photographing the locations and people that highlight the city’s incredible diversity and who make “The City Different.”
Explore the World in Blur

This immersive in-person workshop with Roxanne Bouché Overton promises a holistic learning experience, combining classroom education, practical sessions for making new images, technical demonstrations, image reviews, and cultural exploration.
Documentary Storytelling

Join famed documentary photographer Matt Black for a week in Santa Fe focusing on developing and sharpening your photographic storytelling skills in this workshop designed for photographers seeking to clarify vision and purpose within their documentary work.