Online registration for this program has closed. To check availability, find out about future dates, or if you would like further information, please call 505-983-1400 ext. 111. Also, get the SFW E-Newsletter for updates!
If you have ever lost digital images due to a hard drive crash, image corruption, theft, or fire, you know how important a robust, well thought out digital storage and backup system is in this age of digital photography. Backing up and archiving digital images can be an overwhelming and daunting task, especially in light of the technology involved. With our images existing mostly as 1’s and 0’s on hard drives, the loss or corruption of a hard drive can wipe out a lifetime of images and digital content all at once. If you value your images, building a solid storage and archiving solution to ensure the protection of your digital content is critical.
Join Michael Clark for a two-session webinar as he demystifies the complex topic of storing and archiving digital images. Michael presents his strategies for safeguarding his images and covers a wide range of topics including backup strategies, connection speeds, hard drive options, hardware choices and options, RAID options, the costs involved, how to properly and safely archive your images, Cloud storage, backing up your computer, and much more. This program is an A-to-Z comprehensive look at tried-and-true image storage solutions.
Michael discusses in detail his experiences with various storage solutions and the nitty gritty of what works and what doesn’t. Whether you have terabytes of images or just want to back up your smartphone, this program gives you an excellent understanding of how to think through your storage needs, the steps required to build a robust storage solution for your digital content, and the tools you need to make smart decisions to protect your content no matter what calamities may come.
A Question-and-Answer session follows each presentation. Questions from the participants will be reviewed and selected during this informal wrap-up conversation.
You can still experience this presentations even if you can’t make the live event. The webinar is recorded and made available for one month following the live event.
Open to anyone interested in this special program.
View Withdrawal and Transfer Policies for online programs.
For the convenience of participants, recordings of each class session are posted privately for one month after the end of each session. Santa Fe Workshops takes the recordings down after one month to protect the intellectual property of our instructors.
Michael Clark is an internationally published adventure photographer. His intense, raw images of athletes pushing their sports to the limit in remote locations around the world feature unique angles, bold colors, strong graphics, and dramatic lighting. Balancing extreme action with subtle details, striking portraits, and wild landscapes, Michael creates photographs for editorial and advertising markets worldwide. His clients include Apple, Microsoft, Nike, Fujifilm, Nikon, Red Bull, Gatorade, Patagonia, National Geographic, Sports Illustrated, Men’s Journal, Outside, Backpacker, and Climbing, to name just a few.
Instagram: @michaelclarkphoto