Light, Lighting, Lit

Join Tony Corbell and learn how to see light, control it, and create striking photographs using both natural and artificial light, developing a unique perspective and the knowledge to embrace pushing the limits.

A Taste of Santa Fe: Food and Restaurant Photography

Experience the fun and flavor of the Santa Fe culinary scene with renowned New Mexico food photographer Douglas Merriam in this two and half day summer workshop blending of hands-on food photography, inspiration, and play.

Exploration of Personal Style

Refine your photographic voice with Oghalé as he guides you through hands-on assignments and projects that challenge you to apply newfound insights and hone your skills.

Lighting the Editorial Portrait

Take advantage of this unique opportunity to get from where you are to where you want to go with your portrait photography.

House of Experimentia

Embrace your successes and failures as you connect more deeply to your artistic voice.

Lighting the Editorial Portrait

Tackle a wide range of assignments covering varying styles of editorial portraiture, including studio lighting and environmental portraiture – with and without the use of flash.

The Editorial Portrait

Further your career as an editorial portrait photographer with this rare opportunity to work with one of today’s leading portrait masters.