Portraits Unplugged

Find and work with natural light to make flattering and dynamic portraits of any subject with the “Mistress of Light.”

House of Experimentia

Embrace your successes and failures as you connect more deeply to your artistic voice.

Editorial Portraits in Natural Light

Develop your own vision through the medium of portraiture with guidance, encouragement, and inspiration from a contemporary leader in the field.

Creativity in Travel Photography

Learn how to combine the technical, practical, and creative aspects of travel photography to elevate your creative vision and expand your photographic technique.

Cultivate Your Artistic Vision

Uncover a deeper understanding of what it means to create original images and the importance of developing your vision.

Street Photography

Spend five days immersed in the energy of the street, challenging your newfound street photography skills and building your confidence with longtime friends and photographers Arien Chang and Jennifer Spelman.