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How can each photograph we make express our values and foster our own personal visions? What tools do photographers have at their disposal to portray subjects in a way that truly reflects individuality?
In this comprehensive workshop, Mari Howells dissects the photographic elements of style, exploring how we define our own aesthetics through choices about light, tonality, form, framing, vantage point, and color. Special care is taken with this last element, so you gain a thorough understanding of color theory, including methods and strategies for color organization.
We delve into the past to expand our perspective on the history of photography, and—by referencing work by Ralph Gibson, Alex Webb, Daido Moriyama, Nadav Kander, and others—we apply time-tested approaches for solving problems of expression. Through regular assignments, lectures, and critiques, participants develop a greater consistency in how they see and express themselves, which allows personal beliefs and idiosyncrasies to come together in their imagery.
Join Mari for a deep dive into the elements of photographic style. As you refine the way you see, read, and make images, your photographs become uniquely specific—a multifaceted, interactive reflection of your individual interests, curiosities, and values.
Working knowledge of digital workflow and manual mode on your digital SLR or mirrorless camera. Participants must be able to download and select images using image editing software for class sessions.
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Mari Howells is a visual artist and teacher based in New York. She is an adjunct professor at Pratt SCPS, where she teaches a class in visual literacy. She received an MFA in photography from the Royal College of Art, London, with a distinction in research, and an MFA in theater from Columbia University. A classically trained cellist, pianist, and guitarist, she worked with the renowned composer Rahayu Supanggah in Indonesia. Her photography draws on her theatrical and musical backgrounds, combining aspects of both. Mari’s work was most recently exhibited at Cromwell Place, London.
Instagram: @_thephotographerseye