Tony Bonanno

about Tony

Tony Bonanno is a professional photographer based in Santa Fe, New Mexico. His subjects have ranged from the President and First Lady of the United States to indigenous peoples and their cultures, to capturing the beauty and rhythms of running horses in his acclaimed “Hooves & Dust” series. Tony’s fine art work is targeted towards collectors and the corporate environment and his photography has been featured in numerous galleries and exhibitions throughout the US and abroad.

He is a Professional Member of the American Society of Media Photographers and a member of the American Photographic Artists Association.


Instagram: @bonannophoto

Workshops taught by Tony Bonanno

White Sands, New Mexico: Capture to Print

with Tony Bonanno

March 29 – April 3, 2023

White Sands and Bosque del Apache: Capture to Print

with Tony Bonanno