The Language of Polaroid: Exploring Your Creative Potential

Join artist Jari Poulin for an online workshop for those excited to learn the language of Polaroid from a long-time lover of Polaroid’s delightful allure. Meeting once a week, classes are dedicated to igniting inspiration and learning the art of capturing images with Polaroid NOW+ or i2 cameras.

Alternative Photographic Processes Using Natural Materials

This hands-on workshop in Santa Fe with Julia Martin, explores both digital and alternative photographic processes in image-making using natural materials while learning how to integrate your work with the earth in a new and sustainable way.

Silver and Gold Leaf Photography

Open-up a world of creative possibilities by exploring the beautiful processes of applying silver and gold leaf to photo-based artworks.

Wet Plate Collodion

Create both tintypes on aluminum and ambrotypes on glass, use natural and studio lighting, and experience a mobile setup for taking wet-plate collodion on the road.

The Beauty of Mordançage

Discover and explore one of the rarest and most beautiful of the alternative photographic processes with a modern-day master of the medium.