Over the Threshold: A Conversation on Creativity

Over the Threshold: A Conversation on Creativity
with long-time friends John Paul Caponigro and Sean Kernan

Wednesday, September 8; 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm (Mountain Time)

At some point all photographers sense their best and truest work lies at a point somewhere out beyond the threshold of their comfort. The question then becomes how to get there.

John Paul Caponigro and Sean Kernan, long-time friends, approach creativity in different ways, but they both head for the same transformative experience. During this conversation they share personal stories of moments that changed their art and their lives. Meditation, playing music, acting, drawing, and writing are just a few of the practices they use to make room for the revelations that improvisation brings. They offer insights into moving beyond habitual practices and making space for the unknown, which is where the magic of the creative process happens.

During this inspiring hour, John Paul and Sean share thoughts, images, and provocations for viewers (and no doubt for themselves). An anticipated lively question and answer session, that could go just about anywhere, brings this free program to completion.

John Paul Caponigro dynamically combines his background in painting with traditional and alternative photographic processes using state-of-the-art digital technology. His life’s work is both a call to connection with nature and a call for conscientious creative interaction in our environment during a time of rapid change.

His art has been exhibited internationally and purchased by numerous private and public collections including Princeton University, the Estée Lauder collection, and the Smithsonian. Respected as an authority on creativity and fine art digital printing, he is a highly sought-after speaker, lecturing extensively at conferences, universities, and museums, in venues as diverse as MIT, Photoshop World, Google and TEDx.

Sean Kernan is a widely exhibited photographer, writer, film maker and teacher, focused on the exploration of creativity. He is the author of The Secret Books (with Jorge Luis Borges), Among Trees (With Anthony Doerr), Darrell Petit In Stone, and Looking Into the Light, on creativity and photography.

His photographic work has been exhibited and published in France, Mexico, Egypt, Greece, China, Italy, Switzerland, Iran, Korea, and across the U.S. He has made the award-winning films, Crow Stories, The Kampala Boxing Club, A Mind of Winter, and The Visitor.

Event Details

September 8: Over the Threshold: A Conversation on Creativity

This recording features John Paul Caponigro and Sean Kernan, long-time friends, discuss how they approach creativity in different ways.

Further information from the presentation:

Sean Kernan:
iBook copies of Looking Into the Light are available to attendees by emailing sean@seankernan.com and requesting a coupon to be redeemed at the Apple Book store.

PDF copies can be requested at the same email address.

Be sure to specify iBook or PDF.

The full 25-minute version of the film The Visitor can be seen at https://www.seankernan.com/film-work

John Paul Caponigro:

Get John Paul Caponigro’s ebook Process free with the discount code SFWCC