Ed Kashi

© Tomas Van Houtryve

about Ed

Ed Kashi is a prolific photojournalist, filmmaker, speaker, and educator who has been making images and telling stories for over 40 years. His restless creativity has continually placed him at the forefront of new approaches to visual storytelling. Dedicated to documenting the social and political issues that define our times, a sensitive eye and an intimate and compassionate relationship to his subjects are signatures of his intense and unsparing work.

As a member of VII Photo Agency, Ed has been recognized for his complex imagery and its compelling rendering of the human condition. His work has been honored with major awards from World Press Photo, POYi and many others, exhibited around the world and published in the major magazines, websites, and newspapers globally. Ed’s 12th and latest book, “Abandoned Moments: A Love Letter to Photography,” is out now.

Website: edkashi.com

Instagram: @EdKashi

Workshops taught by Ed Kashi
– Summer Season

Developing a Personal Project

with Ed Kashi