Participant Registration for:

iPhone Artistry: New Approaches and Techniques for Mobile Photography

with Dan Burkholder

Dates: July 14 – 18, 2025

Sorry, this workshop is currently full. Now accepting sign-ups for the waitlist. Please use the form provided below, and we will reach out to you if a seat becomes available.

Pricing Info:
  • Tuition: $2195.00
(includes meal plan, see workshop details page for more info)
  • Location and Materials Fee: $175.00
  • Workshop Total: $2,370.00
  • Standard Deposit: $400.00

    Deposit due today. Balance payment will be due per SFW payment policies.

Applicable sales tax may be applied upon checkout

Waitlist Sign-up for iPhone Artistry: New Approaches and Techniques for Mobile Photography

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