Thibault Roland

about Thibault

Thibault Roland is originally from France and now based in Portland, Oregon. He is a physicist by training and his background in optics and the rigorous scientific approach supports him in experimentation. Thibault has built a portfolio of techniques that allow him to create fine-art photography images that are unique, poetic, and very personal. He specializes in black-and-white photography with a focus on landscapes, seascapes, and architecture. Previously an instructor at the New England School of Photography, Thibault teaches workshops and gives seminars internationally. His award-winning work has been shown worldwide, and his images can be found in public and private collections, including the Boston Athenaeum.

Workshops taught by Thibault Roland

The Creative Alchemy of Fine-Art Photography

with Thibault Roland

September 17 – October 15, 2024