Lavinia Spalding

about Lavinia

Lavinia Spalding is the six-time editor of The Best Women’s Travel Writing, author of Writing Away: and co-author of With a Measure of Grace and This Immeasurable Place. She introduced the e-book edition of Edith Wharton’s classic travelogue, A Motor-Flight Through France and has contributed to such publications as AFAR, Longreads, Tin House, Yoga Journal, Sunset, AirBnB magazine, Ms., Post Road, Inkwell, The San Francisco Chronicle, The Guardian, and The Best Travel Writing. Her work has won gold Lowell Thomas and Solas awards, has been recognized in The Best American Travel Writing, and has been widely anthologized. Lavinia is a member of The Writers Grotto and Peauxdunque Writers’ Alliance. She has taught writing workshops around the world, from Mexico to Morocco to Peru to Nepal. Lavinia lives in New Orleans with her family. You can also watch her TEDx talk here.

Workshops taught by Lavinia Spalding

A Journey into Personal Travel Writing

with Lavinia Spalding