A Sense of Wonder with Tami Bone

© Nadezda Nikolova
Event Date: Wed, July 26, 2023 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM MST

Santa Fe Workshops collection of free online events, Creativity Continues features a special evening with fine-art photographer Tami Bone. Her photographs are inspired by impressions that took hold in her early childhood, one that was suffused with an ever-present mystery. Not knowing who and where she came from meant that her awareness was filtered through a sense of wonder. And hidden away within that wonder was a profound longing that was indefinable because there was no footing for a definition.

As a young child these elusive longings imbued everything, and yet there was a primal knowing that could not be told in a temporal way. It may be that having a mysterious origin story encouraged a sensitivity that ventured way out past the edge of understanding. Tami engages these early impressions to make art that kindles a profound wonder. Pastoral landscapes, birds, animals, moons, and stars: all are called forth to tell a story that commingles the physical and the spiritual, and where creatures are touched by transcendence. At its utmost, her work is a longing for life.

Join Tami for a discussion on blending modern photomontage, pigment printmaking, and a centuries-old painting technique that creates an inner luminosity within the finished work. Given her first love of sepia-toned photography, she uses a limited palette to suggest volume and modeling using chiaroscuro, or strong contrast between lightness and darkness, and to preserve the photographic nature of the print, while pushing it into another realm. It is her intention that the subsequent luminosity imparts a small token of the mystery that permeates our existence.

Creativity Continues is a program that collectively develops creative voices by offering connection and encouraging expression. Because the goal is to engage all within our creative community, we encourage you to extend invitations and share Santa Fe Workshops Creativity Continues events with anyone who expresses an interest.


Event Recording

Many thanks to everyone who joined us live. View the recorded program below:


Regarding the question about the canvas that I use for printing . . . it’s Renaissance Cotton, made by Breathing Color in Austin, Texas – https://www.breathingcolor.com/products/renaissance-cotton?variant=43512858575085

The primer that I mentioned using on top of the printed canvas is Michael Harding Non-Absorbant Clear Acrylic Primer. So far, this is the best solution I’ve found for coating printed canvas that has an ink receptive coating on top.I don’t think I said this, but the IRC makes the printed canvas too slick for oil glazing, so the MH Primer gives a bit of tooth, but not too much grit as some other primers and gesso’s do – https://www.amazon.com/Michael-Harding-Non-Absorbent-Primers-500Ml/dp/B09V1TPFTB

And here’s one more link for the MH Primer that might be helpful – https://www.michaelharding.co.uk/non-absorbent-acrylic-primer/

Lastly, here’s a link to Stormy Weekend by Mystic Moods Orchestra. Must tell you, I almost pulled that mention out of my notes for the talk. I’m so glad I didn’t. The music might seem quaint and quirky in that 60’s way, but I think it’s rather wonderful 🙂 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bYKdraOPG4&list=PLnWKiisyfQeX0Yc-A1XrHl5PMt-eNgaO1

Santa Fe Workshops Creativity Continues - A Sense of Wonder with Tami bone